Mayden was recently the headline sponsor of Open Forum’s Children and Young People’s (CYP) mental health conference in London for the second time this year. Experts gathered to discuss the future of CYP mental health and how services can ensure they provide the right care at the right place, first time.
It was wonderful to meet all of the people and teams working across Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) provided by charities and NHS Trusts. We would like to extend a special thank you to our speakers from Young Somerset and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, who presented with us on the day and to all those who attended.
During a time of increasing demand on children and young people’s mental health services, this bi-annual conference explores the factors affecting the wellbeing and mental health of the younger generation and how they can best be supported. The conference aimed to explore how services are adapting their service models to meet rising demand and embrace digital innovations to continue to provide high levels of support for the children and young people in their care.
How is Mayden supporting CYP Mental Health?

Our mission is to create digital technology that changes what’s possible for clinicians and patients. We provide cloud based software that’s outcome focused, patient centred and data driven. Our flagship system – iaptus – is well placed to provide case management and digital tools for community CYPMH services, including those provided by NHS Trusts, local authorities and the voluntary sector.
We’re really fortunate to count amongst our customers many of the NHS commissioned Mental Health Support Teams (MHST), including the team at Young Somerset who use iaptus CYP for their services in community and school settings and to record and use routine outcomes monitoring in their work with children and young people. We were delighted that Young Somerset, alongside the CAMHS service at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, shared learning from their work in schools across Somerset at the conference.

If you’re interested in hearing more about how iaptus CYP can support your service and the young people in your care, please join us at our next webinar on the 30th November.
What were some of the highlights?
Keynote address from Charlotte Rainer, Coalition Lead @CYPMentalHealth - early intervention and funding is crucial to providing the right care at the right time for children and young people @openforumevents #CAMHSOFE #MHOFE
— iaptus (@iaptustweets) November 17, 2022
- Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition: The Keynote address from Charlotte Rainer, Coalition Lead, outlined how early intervention and funding is crucial to providing the right care at the right time for children and young people.
- GIRFT: Dr Guy Northover, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist & Clinical Lead for CYPMH, presented on “Getting it right for young people experiencing a mental health crisis”outlining the evaluation of crisis and inpatient units nationally and how it can drive service quality improvements and better outcomes.
- Youth Access: Cassandra Harrison, CEO of Youth Access delivered an informative talk on their rights-based approach to mental health care for children and young people.
- Mental Health Support Teams: Sarah Cox, Service Manager Health and Wellbeing at Young Somerset and Kate Gallagher, Clinical Lead at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust presented alongside Mayden, delivering a talk on early intervention support for children and young people in education settings.
- GamCare: We heard from Anita Gundecha, Trustee of Gamcare and Adele Leung, Youth Advisory Board Member on the subject of gambling and gaming harms and how young people provide insights to help shape GamCare’s services.