Aimée joined us as a software developer after graduating from iO Academy, and she’s loving the opportunity to continue learning and working on her development skills. In her free time, Aimée likes to paint, eat halloumi and to play keyboard in her Arthurian themed power metal band. (Yes, all at once.)

Alex M
As a software developer with a masters in Mathematics, Alex loves working on complex and intellectually stimulating coding issues. He joined the iaptus team after graduating from iO Academy. Alex counts among his heroes people such as Nikola Tesla and Richard Feynman - innovative individuals with an optimistic vision for the future.

Ali B
When she’s not hard at work as the PA to three of our directors, Ali can be found playing the double bass with BJ Big Band. It’s quite possible that she has magical powers - her homemade cupcakes are too good, and she always manages to book meetings despite there not being enough spare hours in the day. Suspicious.

Ali SD
Ali is one of our three directors, overseeing organisational development, business development and marketing. She’s been key to building Mayden’s open, self-managing culture. In her spare time (and we’re assured she has some), Ali likes to snuggle up with a book or to take long walks in the country with her (as yet, imaginary) dog. Ali’s pet hate? Unnecessary Capital Letters in the middle of sentences.

Alice D
Alice is a statistician and following the completion of her PhD programme, joined the team as a Knowledge Transfer Partnership Associate. The role combines her two passions: statistical research and mental health, and she’s currently working on a model to predict the likelihood of patients attending sessions. When she’s not immersed in data, you’ll find Alice working on her lovely retro dark blue Rover Mini.

Amy L
Amy works closely with our customers, helping them to get the most from iaptus’ added value features in order to increase service efficiency and reduce costs. Should you wish to bribe her, Amy can be easily swayed with chocolate.

Amy W
We’re in good hands with Amy, one half of our front of house dream team. Customer focussed, organised and efficient, she makes sure our visitors are taken care of. In her spare time, Amy enjoys spending time with family and getting out for a run in the countryside. She loves that the work we do supports mental health workers.

Andy E
Andy is a software developer for iaptus and a blackbelt in taekwondo, so we’re all extra nice to him. Andy joined us for his industry placement year and once he finished uni, came back for more. He’s happy to be working at Mayden, particularly with a team of developers who enjoy what they do on a daily basis. His dog Hugo has more Instagram followers than he does.

Ashley C
Ashley is a technical trainer at iO Academy. After graduating from college, he worked his way from junior to senior developer in roles across several different digital agencies, and he really knows his stuff. When he’s not teaching, Ashley is likely to be found playing guitar, gardening, or hanging out with his dog, Donnie.

Becky P
Becky works across marketing, business development and strategy for Mayden, and loves knowing that her work is indirectly helping the one in four of us who struggle with mental health problems. Becky is known for making things happen across the company, and for her prodigious capacity for work. But we’ve found her weakness: parallel parking.

Ben S
Ben is a dev ops and systems administrator and loves working with innovative new technologies. Outside the office, Ben spends much of his time on wheels - riding his longboard or electric unicycle. He recently picked up a new hobby - model rocketry, and completed his first successful launch!

Callum joined us straight from university as an account manager. He brings lots of laughter to the office, and loves working with our development teams to improve our customers’ experiences. Callum is a big fan of cheese and no stranger to a pun. He hopes you have a gouda day. Feel free to get in touch with him in queso emergency.

Charlie cut his coding teeth at iO Academy as part of our first ever intake, and we simply couldn’t let him go. After graduating, he worked for Mayden as a full stack developer for two years before returning to the academy, this time as a trainer. Charlie is known across the company for his emceeing abilities following his triumphant debut at a recent staff day.

Chris E
Chris is our Director of Operations and he’s responsible for overseeing delivery and service. Chris has a background in engineering and an interest in lean working methods. He’s strangely attracted to orange things, and is at his happiest on a bike or drinking coffee (long black please). If you spot him out and about, be sure to check out his socks.

Chris M
Chris is Mayden’s founder and has three passions: using data to improve health outcomes, helping those around him to thrive, and chocolate. In the little spare time he has, Chris loves to write, and has even written a novel. As leaders go (chocolate swiping aside) Chris is the best there is. But don’t tell him we said that - he’ll become unbearable.

Claire T
Claire is the iaptus product owner and her key responsibilities include ensuring the success of the system and maintaining its integrity. Claire loves working to find the root of problems and to solve them, and was a key driver of our adopting agile working. Outside of work, Claire is a total foodie and loves hanging out with her dog, Henry.

Clare M
Clare works with the marketing team and specialises in events. Her favourite quote is from Winston Churchill: "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference”. We can vouch for the fact that she lives by that motto. An avid reader, Clare always has a couple of books on the go. She loves Italian food and going to the theatre, and has a deep fascination with ancient civilisations. Ask her about the time she had tea with a lioness.

Coralie is scrum master for Mayden's data services team and loves working with our customers to help them better understand what their data means. Coralie is a flautist, HIIT fanatic, and mum of two, and counts running an orchestra at her children's school amongst her greatest achievements.

Damien is a developer and the scrum master for Orbit. Damien is something of a philomath, and pursues excellence in all he does. In his spare time he enjoys reading and spending time with family and friends.

Dave E
Dave is a software developer and placement student from the University of Bath. He’s enjoying the chance to develop his programming and UX skills while working in an agile environment. Outside work, Dave enjoys gaming (and has even done so at a professional level!), music and hanging out with his dog - an adorable black Lab named Milo.

Dave R
Cool Dave is the face of Mayden, and his welcoming demeanour is enjoyed by colleagues and customers alike. Dave has the shortest commute in the company, and can get down the hill in 3 minutes 40 if he doesn’t apply the brakes. He says the Monday morning blues don’t exist here in such a lovely working environment. What a nice guy.

David B
David is the Product Owner for both our machine learning and data science research projects, and for our data services team. He has a Masters in Aerospace from the University of Bath and previously worked as Senior People Flow and Data Analyst for an international, integrated engineering consultancy. He once shook hands with Buzz Aldrin. And the icing on the cake? He always has a biscuit jar on his desk.

Profile coming soon!

G is our lead designer and keeps Mayden's stuff looking super sharp. She loves the variety of design projects that come her way here at Mayden and is a firm believer in the philosophy that less is more... though looking through her calendar you wouldn't think it. When she's not designing, G fills her free time with a combination of pilates, cycling and horse riding.

Heather H
Heather is a software trainer - she’s responsible for helping iaptus users make the most of the software. Heather travels to work with our users in person, as well as offering training over webinars and through instructional videos. She loves meeting new people and is passionate about user experience. Off-duty, Heather loves walking her Labradoodle Ruby, and attending summer festivals in her VW van.

Helen works in marketing and business development with a focus on young people’s mental health. Her specialties at Mayden include fact-finding, making connections, magicking up opportunities and a work ethic that beggars belief. In her spare time, Helen loves fresh air, pub lunches, making sloe gin, and impressing her colleagues with home-grown courgettes.

Isabel is an account manager who loves working closely with our customers, supporting them to help those who need help themselves. Her interests include astronomy, typography and unicorns. She once climbed Mount Meru - one of the toughest climbs in the world - considered by some to be the centre of the physical, metaphysical and spiritual universes.

Jamie Shaw
After a stint overseas, Jamie joined the Market Discovery team at Mayden. When he’s not talking about the next exciting growth opportunity, in his infectious Northern accent, you can find him playing guitar with his band or singing 90’s boy band songs at the top of his lungs… We can usually hear the distant sound of Westlife lyrics, “I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are”, coming from market discovery meetings.

Jane is a customer account manager and takes great pride in supporting those that help people with their mental health. She is both an ice cream- and an Obama- fan, and enjoys spending her spare time out walking in the countryside or curled up with a good book. She’s bats about bats.

Jen C
Jen works with our marketing team with a focus on SAPIO, our project to transform the patient pathway from referral to treatment. She loves planning events and meeting our clients, and in her free time enjoys a spot of am dram. For reasons yet to be revealed, one member of the team had always assumed she was Australian - a myth debunked after several months of working together.

When we first met, Jenna was an iaptus client. Our relationship blossomed and she’s been part of the team now for many moons, making up our northern contingent. Today, her focus is on working with our customers to inform the development of iaptus.

Jenny F
Jenny is one of the product and feature owners for iaptus. She has a background in mechanical engineering, and prior to joining Mayden, used to design knee implants! Jenny loves working in healthcare, particularly with the team at Mayden, and her main motivation is to make life easier for others. In her free time, Jenny loves music, learning about other cultures, and going on adventures near and far. To date, Jenny has lived in five different countries!

Jenny T
Jen’s first encounter with us was as an iaptus customer and she’s since worked on more teams at Mayden than anyone else in the company. Today, she’s a product owner for the data services team. Jen is also a coach and says her favourite thing about Mayden is the culture. She’s keenly engaged in ongoing work to make this the kind of company we all want to work for.

Juliette is a super-whizz of an analyst, and loves creating data visualisations that look good and give real insight to our customers. She is also Mayden’s resident Bear Grylls and spends her spare time adventuring, climbing, surfing and camping with her six children. Six!

Kate A
Kate is seriously organised and loves meeting new people. She’s a key member of our front of house dream team and as such, enjoys a lot of variety in her role - including providing valued support for our recruitment and events. She is also a freelance makeup artist and fascinated by volcanoes. Ask her about walking across Mauna Loa.

Kayleigh is a feature owner, and worked previously as a customer account manager. She joined Mayden from a role in mental health and her depth of knowledge makes her a real asset to us and to our customers. Kayleigh’s hero is Susie Dent (you know, from Countdown) and she loves a sudoku and a good gin. She’s also done the highest bungee jump in the world. Brave soul.

After graduating from iO Academy, Kyam joined the team full time as a software developer for iaptus. He loves that the work we do makes a real difference for those who provide and receive mental health treatment. When he’s not programming, Kyam enjoys teaching his two little ones to cook, as well as exploring the great outdoors with them.

Laura - LB for short - is a Feature Owner for iaptus. She loves the culture here at Mayden but says that her favourite thing about her job is that her work makes a difference. A marathoner and running fanatic, LB is also a keen reader, documentary-watcher and podcast-listener. Ask her about the time she converted an ambulance into a campervan for a trip across Europe.

Lindsey is an account manager and loves supporting our customers to do the best job they can. She says her favourite thing about working with Mayden is ‘my awesome team.’ She’s bananas about her dog Bailey, and has both a degree in psychology and a PGCE. Her guilty pleasure is Made in Chelsea. Fortunately, we don’t judge.

Marta joined Mayden as a software developer after training with the first cohort at iO Academy. She loves that her work helps our customers to help people. Marta’s problem solving skills have developed into a serious puzzle addiction. She works on at least one a day.

Martin D
Martin started with Mayden as a consultant on a single project, and ended up joining the team more permanently. He says it’s because he loves the optimism of his coworkers and the collaborative nature of the company - but we all know it’s the free coffee and snacks. Now that we have snagged him full time, his focus is on marketing and product development.

Martin W
Martin joined us with a desire to use his powers as a software developer to produce tech for good. He loves that at Mayden, everyone has the chance to contribute to the way the company works. Martin enjoys making stuff - especially baking, and owns seven (7) bikes (at the time of writing).

Matt H
Matt worked with Mayden for four years before finally joining the networking team officially, and we’re glad to have his expertise on hand. Doesn’t he look familiar? Perhaps you recognise him from his debut appearance on TV’s 999 back in the 90’s, when a can of deodorant exploded at his family home.

Matt L (Roy)
Scrum master Roy joined Mayden after a brief spell as a developer in the financial sector, and has never never looked back. He’s a big proponent of both scrum and collaborative working, and loves nothing more than a good Disney / Pixar movie. Oh, and Matt is known across Mayden as Roy. #somanymatts

Michele works in our marketing department as well as heading up Mayden's internal coaching initiative. She joined the company as a freelancer many moons ago, and quickly figured out that this was a place where she could happily work everyday. Michele is a mum of two tinies and loves nothing more than camping in the summer with family and friends.

Oli B
Oli B is the product owner for Orbit and a developer. He wanted his work to make a difference, and joined Mayden to help deliver benefit to the healthcare sector. Oli is passionate about motor sport and sim racing, and also enjoys badminton at a local league level.

Information security and assurance are something we take very seriously here at Mayden, and Paula leads our efforts. Paula came back to healthcare after many years overseeing quality management protocol for organisations in the financial sector, having first started training as a nurse! Outside work Paula likes nothing more than a long walk through the countryside followed by a chilled glass of white wine.

Philippa’s focus is business development in the broadest sense. She’s forever seeking ways to improve our work and our processes, and to make Mayden the best company to work for. Philippa has a PhD in Identity in the Workplace from the University of Bath, and has seen Robbie Williams a not-at-all-stalkery five times.

Rach lived and worked abroad for three years before joining the team, and we like to think she chose us over Spanish sunshine. She works in finance, specifically on customer accounts. When she’s not thinking in numbers, Rach loves spending time with her family and their black lab, Bazil. Her granola obsession is a little out of control to be honest.

Rob C
Profile coming soon!

Ross A
Ross is a web developer and loves working on complex software development projects as well as front and backend development in Wordpress. Ross is a keen runner who doesn’t want to come across as a closet gamer, so we won’t tell you about his secret ambition to get the highest score ever on retro video game, Galaxian.

Profile coming soon!

Ruth is a software developer with iaptus. She loves solving complex theoretical problems as part of a team, knowing that their solutions go on to have a positive impact on the lives of others. Something of a foodie, Ruth has a minimum of five different kinds of pasta in the cupboard at any given time. She’s also inexplicably good at fantasy football despite rarely watching a match.

As well as working across HR and recruitment, Suzanne recently qualified as our resident mental health first aider, ensuring that we at Mayden take good mental health as seriously as we do physical health. Suzanne loves to learn, cannot stand spicy food, and was once evacuated from her home by an unexploded bomb from World War II.

Taryn is Mayden’s coordinator of fun, culture, and Chris Eldridge. She’s a tiny but potent concoction of common sense and passion, and is a force behind our work to build the kind of company we all want to work for. Taryn hails from South Africa, and also lived in the States before moving to England. In a previous life, she was a DJ and voice over artist.

Tess N
Tess joined Mayden as an account manager and quickly caught the data science bug. She moved into the data services team and hasn't looked back! A true foodie, Tess has a serious cookbook purchasing compulsion and spends her time outside work cooking, buying food and planning dinners. Potentially Mayden's tallest employee, she was the longest baby girl born at Nottingham Queens Medical Centre.

As a member of the systems team, Tom loves learning new technologies. He was the fastest in his GCSE science club to wire a 3 pin plug, so how could we say no?! In his spare time, Tom loves spending time with friends and family. He also runs a community radio station and has a bit of a thing for pizza.

Wendy is part of our data services team. She loves analysing data and working with our customers to help them to understand the story behind the numbers. Wendy has a background in geophysics and geology, sharing a love of maps with several other Mayden family members. Her says her greatest achievement was homeschooling her three daughters.