iaptus User Group 2024: “As users our opinions are taken seriously”

iaptus user group

We recently welcomed our iaptus users across Adult and Children and Young People’s (CYP) mental health services, to our annual User Group. This year, the two day event was held in Manchester and involved interactive workshops, new feature launches and networking opportunities.

“Very interactive. Felt really involved & our opinions are taken seriously” – Deborah Cook, Alliance Psychology


Our User Groups are all about giving our customers the chance to connect on the issues that matter to them. We aim to uncover the types of future developments users want to see within iaptus that will bring the most impact to service delivery and outcomes for patients, and for users to share insights across different psychological therapy services with our team of experts.

“Very insightful. Facilitators were excellent” – Sasha Nesmejanow, The What Centre

This time, we focused on key themes such as:
⭐ The biggest challenges users are currently facing
⭐ How we can help you better understand your data to improve outcomes for patients
⭐ How we can better connect and engage with users
⭐ Ways in which users can use iaptus to communicate more effectively with their patients
⭐ New features that might improve your service’s efficiency

And of course, the day wouldn’t be complete without teas, coffees, pastries, a tasty lunch and the opportunities to network with your peers.

Why should you join our next iaptus User Group?

If you are a user of iaptus, and you haven’t joined us at a User Group before, here’s what you can expect.


Interactive workshops – understanding your data

These workshops provide our users with the opportunity to work with our Data Teams to understand their services’ individual data requirements. Each workshop aims to help services understand which dashboards within iaptus will support different reporting requirements, as well as key policies set out by NHS England.

This time, our Data Research Team ran workshops to explore how iaptus data can support both Adult and CYP mental health services in addressing health inequalities.

Learn how our customers at Hammersmith, Fulham, Ealing and Hounslow (HFEH) Mind, uses data within iaptus to identify and tackle health inequalities in West London:

“Very useful and all the staff are knowledgeable and friendly” – Charlotte Bown, Barnado’s

New feature launches & iaptus developments

These sessions provide the opportunity to work 1:1 with our Features, UX and development teams. Be the first to find out about new feature launches and interact with them both from a user and patient experience.

This time our team of experts spoke about two brand new features within iaptus, Electronic Letters and Tasks. We recently worked with our customers at Gloucestershire Talking Therapies on the adoption of the time-saving feature. This feature allows letters to be sent securely from iaptus directly to a patient’s mobile device.

You can read all about Gloucestershire Talking Therapies’ success with this feature below:

What did our customers tell us about iaptus?

  • “iaptus has been a bedrock of data, informed our practice and been our tenth team member! “ – Sarah Booth, Senior PWP, Making Space
  • “iaptus has made a massive difference, it is one of the easiest systems I have worked with in my 16 years in the NHS” – Gemma Shrimpton, BSM, Suffolk Wellbeing
  • “I LOVE iaptus! It enables us to monitor the data and make sure we are supporting CYP in the correct way. I am known as the iaptus queen because i go on about it all the time” – Laura Sowerby, CSM, Barnados
  • Online appointment booking has changed our lives” – Suffolk Wellbeing

iaptus user group

If you’re not already a customer of iaptus but would like to find out how the software can support your service, you can book a short demo here.


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